Application Of Legal Procedures In The Examination Of The E-Court System
The development of Information Technology has entered into all aspects of people's lives.
Technology makes everything easier, not least with the world of court governance, it is also
required to be able to develop along with the development of society by utilizing
technological sophistication in the form of an internet network, which can create a system
in forming an application called E-court. E-court is a form of change in the administration
of cases that are more transparent and accountability. The problems in this study are: how
the rules of legal procedure in the examination of the e-court system, how the effectiveness
of the process of settlement of lawsuits in the e-court system in court. Based on the results
of research and discussion, the e-court system in the process of settling lawsuits in court
courts based on the principle of simple, fast and low cost has been running as its function
but in practice the trial is still done manually. And there are still obstacles that are felt by
advocates / justice seekers that hinder the legal process to be less effective in its
Keywords: Examination, E-Court System, Procedures.
Full Text:
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